So for remotely shutting down another machine on your network, you would type into the command prompt the following commands:

shutdown /m computername /r /f

This command will restart the computer named computername and force all programs that are still running to close.

shutdown –m computername –s –f –c “The computer will restart, please save all work.” –t 60

This command will shutdown the computer named computername, force all programs that are running to close, show a message to the user and countdown 60 seconds before it shuts down.

Remote Shutdown via Shutdown Dialog

If you don’t like all those switches or using the command prompt in general, then you can bring up the shutdown dialog box. You can do that easily by just using the /i command switch for the shutdown command.
The remote shutdown dialog will now appear as shown below.

Click the Add or Browse button to add computers to the list. Download om shanti om movie. You can then run the commands on the entire batch of computers. If you click Add, you’ll need to enter in the network name of the computer in the format computername or just computername, either works.

Of course, you need to know the actual computer name, which I mentioned how you can determine above. So add as many computers to the list as you like and then set your options. You can shutdown, restart or annotate unexpected shutdown.

You can also display a warning, if you like, for however many seconds you choose and you can type in a comment at the bottom which will be displayed to users. That’s about it!

Remote Shutdown via Batch File

Finally, you can create a batch file so that can do all of this by just running the file. Alternatively, you can schedule the batch file to be run at specific intervals or during specific events using Task Scheduler.
Just go to Notepad and type in the commands you would have typed into the command prompt:
shutdown –m computername1 –r
shutdown –m computername2 –r
shutdown –m computername3 –r

Shutdown Windows Firewall Defender

Then simply save the file with a .BAT file extension by choosing All Files for Save as type and add .bat to the end of the file name.
This will restart three computers on my home network. You can put as many commands into the batch file as you like, so feel free to experiment!

Shut Off Firewall

Download insyde bios tools. I’ve written an extensive post on how to use batch files in Windows, so read that if you are not familiar with batch files or task scheduler. Enjoy!